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We're teaching psychology to cyber defenders!

We’re teaching psychology to cyber defenders!

It’s been 40 years since I started in cybersecurity, not quite as long as the 50 years I’ve struggled with a variety of mental illnesses. And it’s about time I introduced the two to each other and see what kind of baby they could make.

Well here it is.Starting later this month, I’ll be teaching a new course at Northern Kentucky University on psychology in cybersecurity, and the role of the human mind throughout all aspects of cyber security.

From the mental health and psychological resilience of cyber security professionals, our world’s, first responders, to the psychological impact of cybercrime on victims, the psychology of user behavior, and the psychological make up and motivations of cyber criminals.

I believe that NKU will be the first to include this training as part of the cybersecurity degree program, but hopefully won’t be the last.

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